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Yoxford & Peasenhall Primary School

Statutory Data & Attainment

Please visit our Assessment, Statutory Data and Attainment information below.

Uneven impact of the pandemic on 2021/22 school and college performance data

Pupils included in the 2021/22 school and college performance measures will have had an uneven disruption to their learning.

We, therefore, recommend not making direct comparisons between schools, or with data from previous years. Comparisons with local and national averages can be made cautiously to put an individual school or college’s results into context.

There are other factors that will also make direct comparisons difficult:

  • Several changes were made to exams and grading. These include advanced notice of exam topics and GCSE, AS and A level grading being based around a midpoint between 2021 and pre-pandemic outcomes.
  • Changes were also made to the way school and college performance measures were calculated. Results achieved between January 2020 and August 2021 by pupils included in this year’s measures are not included in the calculations.
  • The individual school and college data should be used with caution. It reflects a school or college’s results in 2021/22 but cannot provide information about the factors which may have influenced these results.

    When forming a view of how well the school or college is doing, you should consider a range of different information sources, for example, discussing with the school or college directly, the school or college website, Ofsted reports, friends, and family.

  • In line with DfE guidance, schools are not required to publish data for the academic year 2021/22.


Assessment Data Description %

Reception Year - Percentage of pupils meeting Early Learning Goals.

Year 1 Phonics - Percentage of pupils meeting Phonics threshold.

Year 2 Phonics - Percentage of Phonics retake meeting threshold.

Year 2 Reading - Percentage of Pupils 'Working at expected Level'.

Year 2 Writing - Percentage of Pupils 'Working at expected Level'

Year 2 Maths - Percentage of Pupils 'Working at expected Level'

Year 6 Reading - Percentage of Pupils Achieving at least 100 scaled score 'Working at expected level'

Year 6 Writing - Percentage of Pupils Achieving at least 100 scaled score 'Working at expected level'

Year 6 Maths - Percentage of Pupils Achieving at least 100 scaled score 'Working at expected level'

Year 6 Reading - Percentage of pupils ‘Working at greater depth'

Year 6 Writing - Percentage of pupils ‘Working at greater depth'

Year 6 Maths - Percentage of pupils ‘Working at greater depth'

Year 6 Reading - Average scaled score in test 

Year 6 Maths - Average scaled score in test 

Year 6 Reading - Progress from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2

Year 6 Writing - Progress from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2

Year 6 Maths - Progress from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2


















trust response to the impact of covid-19

Due to the national crisis we anticipate that there will be variations to data and attainment. The Trust has responded robustly to our pupils 'catch-up' and through a Build Back Better Working Party, has taken the opportunity to develop an improved approach to supporting our pupils' education and academic attainment going forward.

The key recommendation of the working party that will have the most impact positively on our pupils, is the change to the core school hours. From September 2020, our school opening and closing times will be aligned across the Trust, all schools will open registration at 08:30a.m. and school will end for all pupils at 15:30p.m.. The change to the school day will provide your children with critical additional contact time with classroom staff to support the process of 'catching up'.
The Build Back Better working party were also very keen to address the inequality in after school club opportunities for some children, recognising that some children are fortunate to access additional activities outside school i.e. swimming, dance, music, rugby, arts and more. The Trust will be therefore introducing a FREE curriculum enrichment hour from 15:30p.m.-16:30p.m. at every school site. This will be an additional and optional extension to the school day and we intend to provide a variety of appropriately planned subjects that may include languages, art, drama, dance, outdoor activities, science and maths clubs, reading cafes and more.

The provision will not be available immediately in September but we will be working up the programmes at school level and it will be phased in and fully embedded by the end of the autumn term.

Interpreting progress scores

By definition, the 'average progress score' for all mainstream pupils nationally, is Zero. A school’s progress scores, for each of English Reading, Writing and Mathematics are the average of each of its pupils’ progress score in that subject.

School level progress scores will be presented as positive and negative numbers either side of zero.

  • A score of 0 means pupils in this school, on average, do about as well as those with similar prior attainment nationally. 
  • A positive score means pupils in this school, on average, do better than those with similar prior attainment nationally. 
  • A negative score means pupils in this school, on average, do worse than those with similar prior attainment nationally.
  • A negative score does not necessarily mean a school is below the floor.